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Read data


Parameter information for items of param_dict

Attributes: id (str): param_dict key value (any): the value of the parameter name (str): full name of the parameter (e.g. Readout frequency) symbol (str): symbol of the parameter in Latex notation (e.g. f_{RO}) unit (str): base unit of measurement (e.g. Hz) scale (int): the scale that should be generally applied to raw data (e.g. 1e-9 to take raw Hz to GHz)

Source code in sqil_core/utils/
class ParamInfo:
    """Parameter information for items of param_dict

        id (str): param_dict key
        value (any): the value of the parameter
        name (str): full name of the parameter (e.g. Readout frequency)
        symbol (str): symbol of the parameter in Latex notation (e.g. f_{RO})
        unit (str): base unit of measurement (e.g. Hz)
        scale (int): the scale that should be generally applied to raw data (e.g. 1e-9 to take raw Hz to GHz)

    def __init__(self, id, value): = id
        self.value = value
        if id in _PARAM_METADATA:
            meta = _PARAM_METADATA[id]
            meta = {} = meta["name"] if "name" in meta else id
        self.symbol = meta["symbol"] if "symbol" in meta else id
        self.unit = meta["unit"] if "unit" in meta else ""
        self.scale = meta["scale"] if "scale" in meta else 1

    def get_name_and_unit(self):
        res =
        if self.unit != "":
            exponent = -(int(f"{self.scale:.0e}".split("e")[1]) // 3) * 3
            unit = f" [{_EXP_UNIT_MAP[exponent]}{self.unit}]"
            res += unit
        return res

    def to_dict(self):
        """Convert ParamInfo to a dictionary."""
        return {
            "value": self.value,
            "symbol": self.symbol,
            "unit": self.unit,
            "scale": self.scale,

    def __str__(self):
        """Return a JSON-formatted string of the object."""
        return json.dumps(self.to_dict())

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, ParamInfo):
            return ( == & (self.value == other.value)
        if isinstance(other, (int, float, complex, str)):
            return self.value == other
        return False

    def __bool__(self):
        return bool(


Return a JSON-formatted string of the object.

Source code in sqil_core/utils/
def __str__(self):
    """Return a JSON-formatted string of the object."""
    return json.dumps(self.to_dict())


Convert ParamInfo to a dictionary.

Source code in sqil_core/utils/
def to_dict(self):
    """Convert ParamInfo to a dictionary."""
    return {
        "value": self.value,
        "symbol": self.symbol,
        "unit": self.unit,
        "scale": self.scale,


Add metadata to param_dict entries.

Source code in sqil_core/utils/
def _enrich_param_dict(param_dict: dict) -> ParamDict:
    """Add metadata to param_dict entries."""
    res = {}
    for key, value in param_dict.items():
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            # Recursive step for nested dictionaries
            res[key] = _enrich_param_dict(value)
            res[key] = ParamInfo(key, value)
    return res


Convert h5 data into a dictionary

Source code in sqil_core/utils/
def _h5_to_dict(obj) -> dict:
    """Convert h5 data into a dictionary"""
    data_dict = {}
    for key in obj.keys():
        item = obj[key]
        if isinstance(item, h5py.Dataset):
            data_dict[key] = item[:]
        elif isinstance(item, h5py.Group):
            data_dict[key] = extract_h5_data(item)
    return data_dict

extract_h5_data(path, keys=None)

Extract data at the given keys from an HDF5 file. If no keys are given (None) returns the data field of the object.


Name Type Description Default
path str

path to the HDF5 file or a folder in which is contained a data.ddh5 file

keys None or List

list of keys to extract from file['data'], by default None



Type Description
Dict or Tuple[ndarray, ...]

The full data dictionary if keys = None. The tuple with the requested keys otherwise.

Extract the data object from the dataset:
>>> data = extract_h5_data(path)
Extracting only 'amp' and 'phase' from the dataset:
>>> amp, phase = extract_h5_data(path, ['amp', 'phase'])
Extracting only 'phase':
>>> phase, = extract_h5_data(path, ['phase'])
Source code in sqil_core/utils/
def extract_h5_data(
    path: str, keys: list[str] | None = None
) -> dict | tuple[np.ndarray, ...]:
    """Extract data at the given keys from an HDF5 file. If no keys are
    given (None) returns the data field of the object.

    path : str
        path to the HDF5 file or a folder in which is contained a data.ddh5 file
    keys : None or List, optional
        list of keys to extract from file['data'], by default None

    Dict or Tuple[np.ndarray, ...]
        The full data dictionary if keys = None.
        The tuple with the requested keys otherwise.

        Extract the data object from the dataset:
        >>> data = extract_h5_data(path)
        Extracting only 'amp' and 'phase' from the dataset:
        >>> amp, phase = extract_h5_data(path, ['amp', 'phase'])
        Extracting only 'phase':
        >>> phase, = extract_h5_data(path, ['phase'])
    # If the path is to a folder open /data.ddh5
    if os.path.isdir(path):
        path = os.path.join(path, "data.ddh5")

    with h5py.File(path, "r") as h5file:
        data = h5file["data"]
        data_keys = data.keys()
        # Extract only the requested keys
        if bool(keys) and (len(keys) > 0):
            res = []
            for key in keys:
                key = str(key)
                if (not bool(key)) | (key not in data_keys):
            return tuple(res)
        # Extract the whole data dictionary
        return _h5_to_dict(data)


Reads a json file and returns the data as a dictionary.

Source code in sqil_core/utils/
def read_json(path: str) -> dict:
    """Reads a json file and returns the data as a dictionary."""
    with open(path) as f:
        dictionary = json.load(f)
    return dictionary


Read param_dict and include additional information for each entry.


Name Type Description Default
path str

Path to the file or a folder in which is contained a param_dict.json file



Type Description

The param_dict with additional metadata

Source code in sqil_core/utils/
def read_param_dict(path: str) -> ParamDict:
    """Read param_dict and include additional information for each entry.

    path : str
        Path to the file or a folder in which is contained a param_dict.json file

        The param_dict with additional metadata
    # If the path is to a folder open /param_dict.json
    if os.path.isdir(path):
        path = os.path.join(path, "param_dict.json")
    return _enrich_param_dict(read_json(path))